
Hablamos de un híbrido creado exclusivamente para uso medicinal, si bien en las sativas buscamos efectos activos, en esta planta hemos creado lo contrario. Ideada a partir de las peticiones de varios consumidores medicinales, es una de las primeras plantas probadas en conocidos con diferentes enfermedades como el cáncer, glaucoma y dolores musculares crónicos.

Los resultados han sido muy esperanzadores, pues no solo produce una disminución significativa de los efectos adversos de la radio y quimioterapia. Proporcionando un aumento cuantioso en el apetito, reduciendo de manera cuantitativa las nauseas y el malestar general, y proporcionando un sueño limpio, claro y fresco. Al día siguiente te levantarás con la cabeza en perfecto estado. Repetimos, es una planta de fuerte efecto tranquilizante y sedante. También es muy recomendada para dolores musculares y conseguir un descanso completo.

Hay que tener cuidado con algunos fenotipos por sus elevados niveles de CBD, lo cual puede dar un efecto demasiado narcótico. Para crear esta medicina natural, hemos usado una Sensi Star ( Paradise Seeds ) seleccionada de hace años por sus grandes cualidades para dolores menstruales. Y la hemos hibridizado con una White Russian ( Serious Seeds ) de producción extra grande y de efecto devastador, el cual te induce un estado de hambre y sueño, cuyo resultado es sublime.

PainKiller se presenta como una planta de tamaño medio, de hojas anchas y oscuras por su herencia indica, de estructura columnar con una producción excelente. En hidropónico o aeropónico los resultados son demoledores, consiguiendo plantas que se hacen todo cogollos desde las partes inferiores. La producción de resina es fuera de lo común. Simplemente, pruebala Sus aroma en vegetativo es una mezcla entre tierra, limón y levadura de cerveza.

Los cogollos en seco son de matices mas terroso-afghano, conservando su sabor intacto. Una delicia para el paladar. Atentos al fenotipo entre nosotros conocido como Lemon Juice.

Tiempo de flora int: 7 – 8 semanas

Timpo de flora ext: Finales de Sept.

Produccion int: 450 gr – 600 gr

Producción ext: 600 a 800 gr por planta ( tierra madre )


•Uso medicinal

•Cultivo SOG

•Hidro y Aero ( resultados excepcionales )


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    Своими-бровями-ниточками в 16-летнем возрасте я обязана маме. Как-то она сказала, что с такими густыми бровями жить нельзя, взяла пинцет и выщипала мне брови так, что даже Марлен Дитрих бы плакала от таких утонченных коромысел. Мужчин, которые следят за внешностью, становится все больше, и это не может не радовать. Особое внимание следует уделить бровям: красивые ухоженные брови с легкой небрежностью значительно улучшат внешний вид. Рассмотрим, как ухаживать за бровями мужчине, чтобы они всегда выглядели аккуратными. Как привести в порядок брови мужчине Уход за бровями для мужчин несложный – следуйте предложенным
    ТОП-10 идей для маникюра: выбери свой вариант Давайте узнаем, как правильно красить верхние и нижние ресницы тушью без комков и слипания, какие эффекты можно создать, а также основные ошибки, которые обычно допускают. Чтобы не допустить неприятной ситуации, а также сохранить эффект от покраски на долгое время, нужно выбирать качественный продукт и правильно его использовать. О том, как же правильно красить брови при помощи краски в домашних условиях, поговорим в этой статье.

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    Duration 2:08Kanye West’s antisemitism casts shadow on Donald TrumpThe National Facts for Families© information sheets are developed, owned and distributed by AACAP. Hard copies of Facts sheets may be reproduced for personal or educational use without written permission, but cannot be included in material presented for sale or profit. All Facts can be viewed and printed from the AACAP website (www.aacap.org). Facts sheets may not be reproduced, duplicated or posted on any other website without written consent from AACAP. Organizations are permitted to create links to AACAP’s website and specific Facts sheets. For all questions please contact the AACAP Communications Manager, ext. 154. Jacqueline-Marie Ferland is a brain researcher at the Icahn School of Medicine in New York City. The prefrontal cortex is “the adult in the room,” she says. One of its jobs is to combine different pieces of information as we make decisions. A mature prefrontal cortex, she says, controls behavior by toning down emotions. It also tamps down impulsive actions.
    There are no age restrictions which apply to medical cannabis but there are different rules on buying and possessing it. Generally, the same rules governing where recreational cannabis can be consumed also apply to where medical cannabis can be consumed. The legislation would establish the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) as the provincial regulator authorized to grant store licenses. The Ontario Cannabis Store would be the exclusive wholesaler to these stores. Private stores are being introduced with strict controls to safeguard children and youth and combat the illegal market. For all of our talents, us human beings are pretty bad at seeing in the dark…. The CADP adheres to WADA’s Prohibited List, which is an international standard under the World Anti-Doping Code. Despite Canada’s position on cannabis, the global anti-doping community has maintained cannabis on the Prohibited List.

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    Cumulative tobacco exposure was calculated from the reported number of cigarettes smoked per day up to 18 yrs, 18–21 yrs, 21–26 yrs and 26–32 yrs. Where data were not collected for an assessment, the amount smoked reported at the next assessment was used to calculate cumulative exposure. One pack-year is defined as the equivalent of 20 cigarettes a day for 1 yr. Those who had smoked less than one cigarette a day for 1 yr, and fewer than 20 packets in their lifetime, were regarded as nonsmokers 18. “Of course, people who smoke both cannabis and tobacco are likely to suffer lung damage from both substances.” This disease makes you feel unable to control your marijuana use. It causes symptoms like tolerance (needing increasingly larger amounts of marijuana to feel the desired effects) and dependence (experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you don’t use marijuana). 
    However, it’s no longer illegal to possess less than 30 grams of marijuana purchased from an authorized distributor. So, if you were charged with possession of less than 30 grams of cannabis in the United States, you may be allowed to enter Canada legally. But, if your conviction was for more than 30 grams, it remains an indictable offense that causes you to be deemed inadmissible. Upwards of 250,000 Canadians may have such a conviction, Liberal Justice Minister David Lametti said, though he added it was hard to get an exact figure because of differences in reporting systems between provinces and police jurisdictions. CanadianHead Office: Drug possession is not covered by the Criminal Code of Canada. Rather, it is subject to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). CDSA offences are prosecuted by the Federal Crown and not the Provincial Crown. This is one of the few instances where the Federal government is involved in prosecution of criminal offences.

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    Secondly, market liquidity also impacts the price of bitcoins to a great extent. Political events and technological developments have varying degrees of influence over the Bitcoin price. One needs to be extremely careful while investing in bitcoins as its price can be very volatile and many people do regard it as a high-risk asset. ICO Price (BTC) U.S. Economy » Bitcoin Price Below are the most important measures of the bitcoin price over the past six years: the highest and lowest price of each year. Bitcoin dominance is a measure of Bitcoin’s share of the total crypto market cap. The metric is derived from dividing the total value of all digital assets in circulation by the market capitalization of Bitcoin. Historically, Bitcoin has always controlled the largest share of the crypto market. However, with the rise of new digital currencies since Bitcoin’s first block in 2009, Bitcoin dominance has fallen from 100% in 2013, and 88% in 2014, to just 38% in 2022. 
    This was precisely the case Monday, when it was found that an estimated $15 million worth of Ethereum was stolen from exchange platform Crypto.com. When you close account on Crypto.com, you are not able to recover any data related to it. Reference No. 20201124-1425253-4320390 Please refer to How does the $50 close account fee work for my Crypto.com Visa Card for more information about the cancellation process and fee for your Crypto.com Visa Card. On Tuesday evening, James Chijindu went to a mall in Lagos to grab a meal and groceries. When it came time to pay, his Guaranty Trust Bank and First Bank debit cards were unresponsive. So he called a GTBank helpline and the message was clear; Chijindu’s account was closed in accordance with the directive of the Central Bank of Nigeria asking commercial banks to stop facilitating cryptocurrency transactions in Nigeria.

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    AL RAYYAN, Catar (Reuters) – O atacante da seleção do IrГЈ Mehdi Taremi disse que a equipe nГЈo estava sob pressГЈo depois que os jogadores se recusaram a cantar o hino nacional em sua primeira partida na Copa do Mundo contra a Inglaterra. A decisГЈo da seleção iraniana de nГЈo cantar o hino na segunda-feira em uma aparente manifestação de apoio aos protestos em casa foi manchete em todo o mundo. Com o resultado, o ABC chegou aos 11 pontos, se consolidando na liderança do Grupo C, podendo ser finalista da competição em caso de empate entre Vitória e Figueirense. Por outro lado, a equipe paraense acabou estacionando na lanterna com apenas 3 pontos, não tendo chances mais de acesso na última rodada.
    Home – Copa Sul-Americana – Veja os jogos dos brasileiros na Libertadores e Sul-Americana Ao utilizar o nosso website, concorda com a utilização de cookies de acordo com a nossa polГ­tica de cookies, para que possamos melhorar a sua experiГЄncia. Confira todos os resultados de ontem (06/07) da Libertadores 2022 e tambГ©m as datas das quartas de final O AtlГ©tico-MG cumpriu sua missГЈo e garantiu vaga na prГіxima edição da Libertadores. A equipe venceu o Corinthians por 1 a 0, fora de casa, no domingo (13), pela 38ВЄ rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro. Com o resultado, o Galo encerra a competição em sГ©timo lugar, com 58 pontos. O TimГЈo encerra o torneio em 4Вє, com 65 pontos. Para ficar com uma vaga na Libertadores de 2023, o Santos precisa vencer os dois jogos (Botafogo e Fortaleza) para chegar aos 53 pontos, superar o Fortaleza (que tem 52) e torcer contra trГЄs de quatro concorrentes diretos: AtlГ©tico-MG, AmГ©rica-MG, Botafogo e SГЈo Paulo. Veja o que o Peixe precisa:

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    Für ein erfolgreiches Pokerspiel ist es enorm wichtig, sich nicht von seinen Emotionen leiten zu lassen. Man sollte niemals, nach Poker-Jargon, «on tilt gehen». Der Spieler muss stetig einen kühlen Kopf bewahren.  Die 3-3 hingegen kann sich entweder als Monsterblatt (Drilling) oder als ziemlich wertlos erweisen. Das macht die Entscheidung leicht: Wenn der Drilling zusammenkommt, spielst um einen groГџen Pot. Wenn nicht, solltest du checken und passen. Im besten Fall wirst du einen gigantischen Pot gewinnen und vielleicht sogar deine Chips verdoppeln. Um herauszufinden, ob der Flop deine Hand komplettiert, musst du oftmals nur einen kleinen Teil deiner Chips investieren. Zu den komplexeren Poker-Strategien gehГ¶rt die Continuation Bet. Hier wird vor und nach dem Flop geraised. Diese eher aggressive Herangehensweise wird aufgrund ihrer hohen Erfolgsquote sogar empfohlen, wenn auf dem Flop kein Treffer gelandet wird. Bei einem Treffer wird hingegen die HГ¶he des Pots maximiert und die StГ¤rke des eigenen Blatts kann bis zum Ende ausgespielt werden. Dennoch sollten C-Bets mit Bedacht eingesetzt werden – gerade bei bestimmten Flop-Bildern, wie 7-9-10 (StraГџen-Gefahr) oder drei identischen Farben (Flush-Gefahr). Bei dieser Strategie ist also Wissen und Raffinesse gefragt, sodass es nicht notwendigerweise die beste Poker Strategie fГјr AnfГ¤nger ist.
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    For fans of lightweight, barely-there mascaras, this one uses aero-particles to create a formula that doesn’t feel heavy yet still leaves you with lashes that don’t compromise on volume, curl and definition. \\n \\n \\n \».concat(self.i18n.t(‘search.voice.recognition_retry’), \»\\n The only mascara for me is Clinique Lask Power Flutter to Full with the dial up tube. I wasn’t even aware of tube mascara or that my favorite was also one. Every other mascara clumps and looks either thick and awful or non existent. I do 2 coats of this and my lashes look so long and separated, not thick and clumpy. So natural. I tried that Physicians Formula one and it’s literally the worst mascara I’ve ever tried. I’m gathering a list for an upcoming post on Items I Regret Buying and that mascara is on there!
    I came across this brand from a couple of makeup reviewers I follow and I’ve got to say I’m very impressed. I bought 2 liquid foundations (Shell and Nude) and both are really close matches. I also bought the liquid contour in Golden Sun and liquid blush in Love Cake. The makeup has good coverage, blends well and easily, and lasts all day without looking cakey or oily. Shipping was pretty fast and the price and packaging are amazing! Will definitely be buying more! Meet everyone’s favorite lippie. There’s nothing better than the Gloss Bomb and we 100% anticipate this one flying off the *online* shelves during the Fenty Beauty Fam All Access Sale. Ahead of the holiday season, Rihanna‘s makeup brand Fenty Beauty has launched its annual Friends and Family Sale. The cosmetics company has taken to Instagram to make the announcement, revealing that customers can now get 25 percent off everything on its website. Additionally, you can get an extra 10 percent off your order by using the code “EXTRA10” at checkout.

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    For many individuals, corrective treatments can last from 6-12 months, with certain products delivering fast results that last even longer.* However, each patient is unique, and the length or your results will depend on how quickly your body metabolizes the product. Eventually, dermal fillers do leave the system and touch-up treatments are recommended. Fillers are injected into your skin to resolve wrinkles. By adding volume to the nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines (from the mouth to the chin), lips, around the lips, and cheeks, wrinkles can be smoothed away. Manufactured by Allergan, Juvederm Voluma XC is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler that targets volume loss and sagging skin. It is the first FDA-approved filler for restoring cheek volume. With Voluma XC, your board-certified dermatologist at Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Pennsylvania can effectively reduce the signs of aging by providing a subtle lift to the midface.
    The ingredients of Radiesse are not easily broken down by the body. As a result, this is one of the longest-lasting injectable fillers currently on the market. Medical studies using MRI imaging techniques have demonstrated that Radiesse produces a long-lasting dense matrix of collagen, supporting improved mechanical properties of the skin. On average, results can last between 9-15 months. This is the first FDA-approved injectable gel that will instantly add volume to the cheek area. Unlike other cheek fillers, it is extremely long-lasting. Many people are still happy with the noticeable results of their injections even as long as two years after their treatment. It gives a subtle lifting appearance, and can restore the look of youth by helping to contour the face and cheeks. At this point many readers may be asking which filler is better. Here’s our (potentially unsatisfying) answer: Radiesse and Juvederm are equally great! Both fillers have respective benefits in the fight against aging symptoms. Patients should be open to both options and let an experienced injector assess their individual need and goals in determining which filler to use. In some cases, a patient’s ideal treatment plan may involve using both Juvederm and Radiesse to create the patient’s desired end result.

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    Blackjack switch is a blackjack variant which allows the player to do what is normally considered a classic cheating manoeuver, trading cards between two hands. The player must make two bets of equal size and is allowed to switch the second card dealt to each hand. Of course, nothing good comes without a trade-off. In this case a dealer 22 results in a push against all non-busted hands and blackjacks pay even money. If you have never played Blackjack Switch, it is only natural to worry about grasping the essence of its rules. However, there is nothing that should really bother you since the rules are very similar to the ones utilized in most blackjack versions. Of course, having to play with two hands may include some intricacies that you need to understand in order to be able to play Blackjack Switch.

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    Psilocybin culture in Canada is gaining its momentum. For example, Canadian public health advisors are justifying the medicinal benefits of magic mushrooms and magic truffles. It’s no wonder that the discussion of psilocybin is being taken more seriously!  Thus, all of the laws which apply to Schedule III controlled substances may be applied to psilocybin itself or to magic mushrooms in any form that contain psilocybin That’s why it’s imperative to know what you’re looking for. When going on your own shroom hunt, you’ll definitely want to know of any key identifying factors. If you want to be absolutely sure you’re not making any mistakes, the best bet would be to buy your mushrooms or spores from a reliable retailer. The legal and regulatory landscape concerning psychedelics continues to evolve as it becomes more traversed. We foresee the potential for changes through an increase in the number of actors on the basis of broader applications of section 56 of the CDSA or increasing approvals granted by Health Canada under existing regulations. Notwithstanding that, it is important to note that as of today, the psychedelics industry in Canada is highly regulated, and companies seeking to operate within it will need to contend with complexities around compliance. Though the investing public has clearly demonstrated comfort with supporting it by capitalizing issuers operating within this industry, psychedelics remains at an emerging stage. https://creafuture.ro/forum/profile/bernardmcclain/ Georgia’s government has halted moves to legalise medical marijuana cultivation after protests led by the country’s powerful Orthodox church. It’s a massive shift that took place over just a few years. A decade ago, no states allowed marijuana for recreational use; the first states to legalize cannabis in 2012, Colorado and Washington, did so through voter-driven initiatives. Now, 18 states and Washington, DC, have legalized marijuana (although DC doesn’t yet allow sales) — with six enacting their laws through legislatures, showing even typically cautious politicians are embracing the issue. At this point, the question of nationwide marijuana legalization is more a matter of when, not if. At least two-thirds of the American public support the change, based on various public opinion surveys in recent years. Of the 15 states where marijuana legalization has been on the ballot since 2012, it was approved in 13 — including Republican-dominated Alaska, Montana, and South Dakota (although South Dakota’s measure is currently held up in the courts). In the 2020 election, the legalization initiative in swing state Arizona got nearly 300,000 more votes than either Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

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