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The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), the Society’s advocacy affiliate, has not taken a position on legalization of marijuana for medical purposes because of the need for more scientific research on marijuana’s potential benefits and harms. However, ACS CAN opposes the smoking or vaping of marijuana and other cannabinoids in public places because the carcinogens in marijuana smoke pose numerous health hazards to the patient and others in the patient’s presence. Cannabis is a relatively safe drug, and it is not associated with fatal overdoses. On the basis of animal lethal dosing studies, the human lethal dose of THC has been extrapolated to be >15,000 mg.12 This highlights that THC has a very wide safety margin, as this lethal dose is 750 times greater than a typical intoxicating dose of 20 mg. Unlike the opioids, cannabis does not cause respiratory depression because of a paucity of cannabinoid receptor expression in the brainstem.
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Generally, yes, if there is a client-specific medical document or order from a physician or nurse practitioner, the employer permits nurses to do so, and the packaged and labelled cannabis product has been received from a licensed retailer or producer. Subsection 348 of theCannabis Regulations sets out the requirements for cannabis products in hospital settings. To be eligible you must be: Pomahacova B, Van Der Kooy F, Verpoorte R. Cannabis smoke condensate III: the cannabinoid content of vaporised cannabis sativa cannabinoid content of vaporised cannabis sativa. Inhal Toxicol. 2009;21(13):1108–12. Our approach to legalizing cannabis includes significant efforts to continue protecting the health and well-being of all Albertans from the potential risks of cannabis consumption. This includes short-term consequences such as effects on memory, attention and motor function. While we don’t yet have in-depth knowledge about long-term effects, some of the risks we do know about include testicular cancer, mental health problems and poor outcomes in pregnancy.
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The Alberta Cannabis Framework outlines the 4 policy priorities for cannabis legalization in our province: See the Ontario Government’s online publication, Cannabis legislation: http://www.ontario.ca/page/cannabis-legalization. Unfortunately, Health Canada has allowed troublingly high THC concentrations (up to 30 per cent in some cases) in dried cannabis products. While many edibles will be purchased directly from retailers, edibles made at home may have higher THC concentrations. No. It’s illegal to transport cannabis across the Canadian border. It doesn’t matter whether you’re leaving or entering Canada. It doesn’t matter what the laws of your destination are. It doesn’t even matter if you’re authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes. Or how much you have with you. The upshot: it’s against the law.
Medicines derived from marijuana have been approved in several places around the world, including the U.S., Europe, and Canada. This includes pills, sprays, and liquids that contain THC. So far, researchers agree that these kinds of medicines are more effective than the whole marijuana plant when it comes to medicinal purposes. This is because the marijuana has to be purified before it can be used to make medication. But you might be surprised at how open to interpretation those conditions may be. Migraines may not specifically be a qualifying condition in New York, but chronic pain and “pain that degrades health and functional capability as an alternative to opioid use or substance use disorder” are. “There’s a whole subset of conditions that people may not know would qualify under chronic pain and things like that,” says Dr. Kessler, who was the doctor who certified me. Issues like chronic headaches, gastrointestinal issues, and pain related to TMJ may actually qualify under the umbrella of other conditions, he explains.
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